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Principal's Message


Dear Class of 2026 Parent(s) and Guardian(s), 
I want to take a quick moment and introduce myself. My name is Ty Smallwood and I am your Principal of the Hamilton High School Freshman Campus. It is my honor to continue to serve the Hamilton City Schools in this role.  My wife Lauren and I, as well as our families, are lifelong Hamiltonians who know the power of education in creating a better future for our children. I take tremendous pride in building and creating an atmosphere that encourages students and families to be active members in the Hamilton City Schools and the community at large. The Hamilton High School Freshman Campus is dedicated to providing students with all the skills and tools to set them up for success in their futures! I am incredibly excited about all we will accomplish together!
Please make sure to continue to reference the District’s Website for updated information as it pertains to your student and the 2022-2023 school year.  Please read the information below for important updates from the Hamilton High School Freshman Campus. 

Ty Smallwood